Journey : Journal of Tourismpreneurship, Culinary, Hospitality, Convention and Event Management <p><strong>JOURNEY<br></strong>(Journal of Tourismpreneurship, Culinary, Hospitality, Convention and Event Management)</p> <p>Publish by Politeknik Internasional Bali</p> Politeknik Internasional Bali en-US Journey : Journal of Tourismpreneurship, Culinary, Hospitality, Convention and Event Management 2774-1923 Implementation Of Sapta Pesona Values In Tourism Services In Kampung Lama Tourism Village <p>This research aims to analyze the implementation of Sapta Pesona values in tourism services in the Kampung Lama Tourism Village and identify challenges and obstacles in implementing Sapta Pesona values. Research was conducted on the topic of smart villages using a qualitative approach, where the resource persons were Pokdarwis or tourism awareness groups in the Kampung Lama Tourism Village. The technique for obtaining informants in this research was carried out using a purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the application of Sapta Pesona in the Kampung Lama tourist village has been implemented well, but it is still not running optimally so there is still a need for development related to the application of the 7 elements of Sapta Pesona. There are obstacles in implementing Sapta Pesona in the Kampung Lama tourist village where these obstacles come from internal Pokdarwis, local communities and the village government. This obstacle is in the form of a lack of public knowledge in waste management.</p> Ikhlas Ramadhan Budi Prayogi Muhammad Rizki Lubis ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 1 1 10 10.46837/journey.v7i1.186 Homestay Development For Backpacker Tourism In Indonesia: A Forecasting Analysis <p>Backpacker tourism is an alternative tourism development for new destinations in Indonesia. Utilizing homestays managed by indigenous people in this new tourism field will improve the local economy. However, studies related to backpacker tourists and the availability of homestays have not yet been done. This study thus analyzes supply and demand in ten New Bali destinations using five-year modeling and those projections and finds a distribution problem regarding the number of homestays in some of these destinations. Some are already oversupplied; others still need more homestays for backpacker tourists. These results contribute as a reference for policymakers and other stakeholders when reformulating homestay development in the future for ten New Bali destinations. The findings contribute to the current research agenda of homestay development particularly to capture the backpacker tourism in Indonesia, align with the current tourism development agenda in rural area.</p> Ambara Purusottama Teddy Trilaksono Made Handijaya Dewantara Gregorius Dimas Hapsoro Prastowo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 1 11 26 10.46837/journey.v7i1.185 Identification Of Tourist Area Life Cycle In Gebong Memarong Tourist Village, Bangka Regency <p>Air Abik Hamlet, Gunung Muda Village, Belinyu Subdistrict, Bangka Regency, is a settlement of the oldest tribe in the Bangka Belitung Islands, the Lom Tribe. Famous for its magical village, but also has the potential for very beautiful natural tourism and local wisdom that is still maintained to this day. It has successfully collaborated with one of the BUMNs in Bangka and in 2023 it will become one of the tourist villages. Aik Abik Hamlet has enormous and interesting potential, but until now it has not been well identified. The research used descriptive qualitative methods and the research data was conducted by direct interviews with the head of the mapur customary institution, literature review and combined with primary data searches. The results of the research concluded that Gunung Muda Tourism Village is at the stage of involvement. Afterward, several things that need to be considered by stakeholders are improving tourist facilities such as tourist trails offered, promoting tourism through various media, and increasing local community involvement. In planning the future development of tourist destinations, visitor capacity needs to be considered so that existing facilities can be maintained and do not have a negative impact on the environment. The community is expected to continue to improve their knowledge and insight so that they can support progress in Gunung Muda Tourism Village.</p> Zakia Ayu Lestari Marmaiyatno Marmaiyatno Marissa Pusparini Iga Safa Marwani Anugrah Gusta Prima ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 1 27 34 10.46837/journey.v7i1.180 Management Of Sindu Dwarawati Sanur Turtle Conservation As A Tourism Attraction In Sanur Tourism Area <p>Sindu Dwarawati Turtle Conservation is one of the turtle conservation in the Sanur tourism area. This conservation was built as a concern of youth groups who were moved to save sea turtles, especially sea turtle eggs around Sanur Beach. This research was conducted to know the process of turtle conservation and its management as a tourist attraction at Sindu Dwarawati Turtle Conservation. Both primary and secondary data were collected by conducting interviews, observation, and documentation. Data sources in the research were determined using purposive sampling and accidental sampling techniques. The data were analyzed using the descriptive qualitative data analysis method. The results showed that Sindu Dwarawati Sanur conservation has succeeded in conserving and saving sea turtles as support for government programs. The management of this turtle conservation as a tourist attraction has fulfilled the elements of something to see, to do, to buy, and to buy and fulfills the A4 criteria (attraction, accessibility, amenity, and ancillary service). However, ancillary services need to be optimized with the establishment of a structured management institution in serving tourists.</p> I Wayan Sonder ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 1 35 48 10.46837/journey.v7i1.191 Development Of The Potential Of Perancak Beach As An Ecotourism-Based Tourism Destination In Jembrana <p>Perancak Beach is a tourist attraction located in Perancak Village, Jembrana Regency, which has been designated as a tourist attraction in Jembrana Regency. One of the main attractions at this tourist attraction tends to be nature tourism and education regarding turtle conservation. This research identifies the conservation-based potential development of Perancak Beach in Jembrana Regency. This research aims to identify existing potential and obtain strategy recommendations in efforts to develop conservation-based tourism potential at Perancak Beach, Jembrana Regency. This research uses a descriptive approach with qualitative data types. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and literature study. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. The research results show that the tourism potential of Perancak Beach is supported by 4 adequate destination components and a conservation-based destination development strategy using the concept of ecotourism (environmental planning and management, increasing environmental awareness and protection, and institutional regulations).</p> I Gusti Made Dwi Candra Anggara Pande Putu Wulandari I Made Gede Darma Susila ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 1 49 64 10.46837/journey.v7i1.190 Modification Of Base Genep Instant Bali Seasoning Using Fdh6 Type Dehydrator <p>This research concerns the findings of the formulation of the balinese seasoning base genep dry instant, related to the formulation of spices for balinese specialties which so far are in pasta packaging or are generally known as the seasoning wet base genep. Through food technology applications, this spice is dried using a dehydrator machine. This dry seasoning is expected to be easier and more efficient to use in various balinese dishes, and durable in storage. The methodology of this research is experimental, with steps to standardize the appropriate seasoning recipe, dry the seasoning with a dehydrator, and apply the dry seasoning for using in chicken betutu. Then do a preference level assessment test by expert panelists. The expert panelists used in this study were members of the Indonesian Chef Association Bali (ICA Bali). All panelists work as cooks or chefs and are native balinese who are accustomed to enjoying betutu chicken for generations. The results of the research on the level of preference for this instant seasoning are on average at a score of 4. This means that the panelists like the taste, aroma, texture, and color of using base genep seasoning. As we know in using of instant seasoning, being increasingly popular in the catering, hotel, and restaurant industries. This provides an opportunity to produce base genep instant seasoning on an industrial scale.</p> Heru Pramudia Billy Tanius ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 1 65 76 10.46837/journey.v7i1.195 Development Of The Ogoh-Ogoh Parade From A Religious Ritual To A Tourist Attraction In Bali <p>The Ogoh-ogoh parade has become one of the events in the Hindu religious rituals to welcome Nyepi Day. Its initial development from a cultural element transformed into a religious ritual and further commodified into a tourist attraction. The research aims to explore the historical development of the Ogoh-ogoh parade in the context of religion and tourism and to understand the impact of the Ogoh-ogoh parade's transformation on the cultural identity and religious practices of the Balinese community. The theories employed include cultural transformation, cultural commodification, and cultural change. A qualitative method with data collection through literature study was used. The research findings reveal various histories of Ogoh-ogoh: the pitra yadnya (Sang Kalika), the Barong Landung, the boredom of statue craftsmen, the Ngusaba Ndong-Nding, and the adaptation of scarecrow. It became a tourist object because Ogoh-ogoh is not mentioned in Hindu scriptures or sacred texts. The impacts of the parade as a tourist attraction include changes in interpersonal community relationships, an increase in anomalies, cultural identity and religious rituals, and an increase in tourist visits. This study is expected to provide new insights into how the religious community and the Balinese society in general respond to the pressures of modernization and globalization.</p> Putu Agung Prianta Anastasia Sulistyawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 1 77 96 10.46837/journey.v7i1.194 The Role Of Sangeh Customary Village Towards The Development Of Sangeh Tourism Attraction <p>In recent times, customary villages have undergone changes and now serve dynamic functions, not only centered around customs and religion, but also actively participating in the economic sector. One example is the Sangeh Tourist Attraction, managed by the customary village while still prioritizing the preservation of nature and community culture. This research was carried out with the aim of determining the role of customary villages in the development of Sangeh Tourism Attraction. The analysis used in this study was qualitative descriptive. Data were gathered using observation, interviews, and a review of the literature. The outcomes showed that Sangeh tourism attraction has natural, cultural, and spiritual tourism potential that can be developed as a tourist attraction, the role of customary village in the development of Sangeh tourist attraction is very large and becomes a key point. The role of customary villages in the development of Sangeh Tourism Attraction is to prepare tourist facilities, establish cooperation with the Badung Regency Tourism Office, submit income distribution rules for Sangeh Tourism Attraction, preserve Alas Pala, supervise tourism implementation, implement, and fund development and arrange Sangeh Tourism Attraction.</p> Ni Putu Tiya Paristha Ni Kadek Sri Mirayani Ernesta Wea I Wayan Agus Selamet I Made Weda Satia Negara ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 1 97 106 10.46837/journey.v7i1.197 The Influence Of Generation Z Participation In Implementing Events In Tabanan District Tourism Villages <p>Tabanan Regency has 133 villages, 28 of which have become tourist villages in 2023. Several tourist villages hold promotional events through social media. Generation Z uses social media the most, but tourist village managers have not involved Generation Z much, including in organizing events. The purpose of this study was to analyze the participation and influence of generation Z in implementing events in Tabanan Regency Tourist Villages. Mixed research methods. Primary and secondary data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation, interviews, questionnaires, literature studies and document studies. The analysis technique used the Statistical Test t (t-test). This research theory, the theory of participation, classifies participation into 2 based on its involvement, namely direct participation and indirect participation. In conclusion, that the participation of generation Z (aged 11-26 years) in organizing events in Tabanan Regency Tourist Villages is still not optimal, namely 12.4%, while the results of the T test concluded that Gen Z partially has a significant influence on organizing events in Tabanan Regency tourist villages.</p> Anak Agung Ketut Sri Candrawati Putu Agung Prianta A. A. Nyoman Sri Wahyuni ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 1 107 118 10.46837/journey.v7i1.198 The Optimization Of Flash Sale Voucher For Promotion At Vila Lumbung Hotel, Seminyak-Bali <p>Voucher Flash Sale is a form of marketing strategy carried out by Hotel Vila Lumbung. Unfortunately, the use of Flash Sale vouchers has not been effective because the sales results have not been able to reach the target. The purpose of this study was to develop a promotional strategy through the use of flash sale vouchers at Hotel Vila Lumbung, Seminyak-Badung. The research method used is qualitative by collecting data through interviews, using marketing mix theory and using SWOT analysis techniques. The results of the study reveal strategies that can be carried out including promoting Flash Sale Vouchers at other OTAs such as fave, traveloka, hotelbeds, roiback and others who have collaborated with the hotel; provide free charge rewards for one day using hotel facilities for each internal staff who successfully sells Flash Sale Vouchers; provide a special barcode in the Flash Sale Voucher which can be accessed online or offline; utilizing hotel facilities as a form of benefit to those who promote it, so that this can minimize the use of budget in the promotion process of Flash Sale Vouchers. With this research, it is hoped that Hotel Vila Lumbung Seminyak-Badung can maximize its strategy in promoting Flash Sale Vouchers.</p> I Komang Esa Wira Satya Wiguna Rimalinda Lukitasari Dinar Sukma Pramesti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 1 119 126 10.46837/journey.v7i1.120